Friday, July 2, 2010

New Blog

Hey everyone, my Blogger friend Acadia has a new blog. Please go and say that Akire/Skyheart or Ayla sent you. This is the link:


Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Cats

Sparkstar leaped onto the Crystal Ledge and called out to her clan. "All cats strong enough to stand and beautiful enough to look upon my face gather under the Crystal Ledge for a meeting." Cats crept out out of their dens to listen to their leader. Sparkstar fixed the clan with her violet gaze before continuing on.
"We have new cats with us today. Two warriors: Dewdrop and Cloudingsun." The two cats standing beneath the Crystal Ledge, a white she-cat and a white tom, inclined their heads slightly. "We also have a new apprentice: Violetpaw. Cloudingsun, you will train this apprentice. Teach her well to take pride in her skills. That is all."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Join the Clan of Vanity

Hello. We are VainClan. Our goal is to obliterate all cats not blessed with the unique gifts that we have. In short, to destroy all cats who do not follow us--those cats who do not have the beautiful traits that mark us as the favored of StarClan. Join our quest here.

(Yes, this is an evil Clan. The leader has gotten it into her head that the only cats who deserve to live are the "favored ones of StarClan", who are "blessed" with some sort of beautiful trait. Of course, cats are judged on their character and actions, not on their looks, and StarClan does not favor any cats over others. I do not support any of these ideas.)

-Special Trait*:

*Look at the special traits of Shimmerpelt and Mooneyes for ideas.